Monday, September 27, 2010

Sorry I'm Late!

Today we were showed a stop-motion animation called "Sorry I'm Late". It was actually pretty cool. It must have taken forever to make. My favorite part was in the beginning when he was riding a bike and flew into a tree. It was not my favorite part because he fell, it was because there was a swing on the tree, and the branches were rustling. It looked like the part that took the most work, but it turned out really well. I can only imagine how long it took to take every single one of those pictures and putting then into a video.Ar the end of the video, they showed the credits, and I can tell you now that there were many people used in the making of this video. Creating a stop-motion looks fun. It would probably take forever to make and there are many things that would make you start over. I would definitely like to attempt one sometime. The video is below, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Sorry I'm Late from Tomas Mankovsky on Vimeo.

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