Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sigg Jones!

       Today we watched an animated video called "Sigg Jones". We are supposed to describe one of the characters, so I'm going to describe Sigg Jones. Sigg Jones is the main character of the story. He is an African-American man, who I'm assuming is a wrestler. His muscles are quite large and seems to be wearing just a pair of blue shorts. For a majority of the movie, he had no pupils, which I found creepy. He seems to be extremely tall, compared to his small, Asian friend. I have attatched the video below for you to see.

Sigg Jones from Asterokid on Vimeo.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Second Wind

      This is the first time we've watched a video in a long time. Today's video was called "Second Wind". It was super weird. I didn't like it at all. It was so WEIRD. There was an abnormally large cat with a small man. Either that, or it was a regular sized man with an extremely large cat. Then, there was an odd fan thing that reminded me of Eve from "Wall-E". Then it got all distorted for a second, the man died and was moving in weird ways. Then, he was stuck onto a fan.. The movie had a happy ending though! The man was able to live if his giant cat blew on his fan! I liked the graphics though, the guy who made it did a really good job. I didn't like the Celtic music. Like the storyline, it was weird. The video is below for your viewing pleasure!

Second Wind from Ian Worrel on Vimeo.