Monday, January 24, 2011

Second Wind

      This is the first time we've watched a video in a long time. Today's video was called "Second Wind". It was super weird. I didn't like it at all. It was so WEIRD. There was an abnormally large cat with a small man. Either that, or it was a regular sized man with an extremely large cat. Then, there was an odd fan thing that reminded me of Eve from "Wall-E". Then it got all distorted for a second, the man died and was moving in weird ways. Then, he was stuck onto a fan.. The movie had a happy ending though! The man was able to live if his giant cat blew on his fan! I liked the graphics though, the guy who made it did a really good job. I didn't like the Celtic music. Like the storyline, it was weird. The video is below for your viewing pleasure!

Second Wind from Ian Worrel on Vimeo.

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